We all struggle at times, (and sometimes unnecessarily in secret). Finding the right support for you at the right time can be a lifesaver.
There are two forms of therapy you can consider, Individual Therapy and Community-Based Behavioral Therapy.
Therapeutic Coaching Program
Get daily access to Elisha, multiple weekly group sessions, and the most supportive community around. The Uncover the Power Within program, developed by Dr. Elisha Goldstein, is an interactive “mental health accelerator” program that draws on participants’ desire for connection, healing and happiness, and provides
- 1) proven skills training within an established curriculum that includes methods in relaxation, cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based treatments, non-violent communication and positive psychology.
- 2) Access to two weekly group therapeutic coaching calls and daily concierge support from a credentialed therapist
- 3) community-based inspiration, support and connection.
In the Uncover the Power Within (UPW) program, participants develop the ability to self-reflect, relate to their nervous system with greater mastery, communicate more effectively, increase their mindful awareness, reframe negative emotions, train the brain to enjoy life more and ultimately be happier.
Individual Therapy
Finding the right therapist can feel like a daunting task. At the Center for Mindful Living (CML) we aim to help you find the therapist who feels like the best fit for you in order to maximize your healing and growth. We believe that healing and change comes through meeting you where you are at and tailoring your treatment to your specific needs and goals.
What makes CML unique is that all of our therapists have had extensive training in mindfulness in addition to their psychotherapeutic training and specializations. You are welcome to contact a therapist directly to schedule an appointment or reach out to the center and we can help you figure out who might be the best fit.
We are also dedicated to training and supervising mindfulness-based psychotherapy interns which work under the direction and supervision of Stefanie Goldstein, PhD. By cultivating a rich and varied group of psychotherapists and interns with different specialties and fees we feel confident that we can find the right fit for you.
To learn more about our therapists click here or contact us so we can find the best fit for you.